Customer Appreciation Day

Here at Mercier Orchards, we are SO thankful for each and every one of our customers. Every year in February (usually around Adele’s birthday) we hold “Customer Appreciation Day.” It’s our way of saying thank you to everyone who supports us and helps keep us moving forward! You’re not just customers to us, you’re part of our family! 

Let us show you our gratitude!

It is truly an exciting time for us here at the farm. We always look forward to seeing all of your bright and shining faces! We want you to join us for a day of wholesome family fun and leave with the biggest smiles!

So come on down, grab a blueberry plant, pet the llamas, and eat some good food! Let us show our gratitude for your support and business throughout the years.

Here are just a few of the happenings from our last customer appreciation day:

Food Vendors

Grab a tasty treat from one of our awesome vendors! 

Free Blueberry Plants

Get here early to get your hands on these, because supplies are limited! 

Llamas On Site

Just imagine how happy your kiddos will be to pet a real llama! They’re so cute! 

Live Music

Sit back and enjoy the performance! 

Kids Bakery Decorating Station

The kids will love decorating their own baked goodies!

Free Samples!

You can’t stop at just one! Try them all!


Now you see me, now you don’t! Watch a magic performance up close!

Tractor Tours

Weather permitting. Hop on, we’re going for a ride! 

Kids Bakery Decorating Station

The kids will love decorating their own baked goodies!

Door Prizes

You’ll have to show up to find out! 

And More!